Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The 'Look'

"What's that look you're giving me?"
"Yes... you"
"Quit eyeballin' me, I'm serious"

The 'look' isn't necessarily hostile. It isn't necessarily friendly either.

The 'look' can mean a lot of things. Like that look your mom gives you when you're on the phone giving your jaw some intense exercise; That look your teacher gives you in class when she (finally :P) realizes you're sleeping with your eyes open.

The look you get when you do something right; The look you're given by someone you help out.

The raised-brow look. The squinty look. The wink. The crazy look. The "I'll-kill-you-if-you-say-another-word" look.

Each look can tell its own tale (with a word count of zero). So next time you get the 'look' from somebody, remember to give it some thought and ask yourself: Is there something more to it than meets the eye?

Maybe there is :)

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