Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hanging Alive

Things eventually fall into place and everything comes back to life. It's time to get going! You're hanging alive now :)

The 'Look'

"What's that look you're giving me?"
"Yes... you"
"Quit eyeballin' me, I'm serious"

The 'look' isn't necessarily hostile. It isn't necessarily friendly either.

The 'look' can mean a lot of things. Like that look your mom gives you when you're on the phone giving your jaw some intense exercise; That look your teacher gives you in class when she (finally :P) realizes you're sleeping with your eyes open.

The look you get when you do something right; The look you're given by someone you help out.

The raised-brow look. The squinty look. The wink. The crazy look. The "I'll-kill-you-if-you-say-another-word" look.

Each look can tell its own tale (with a word count of zero). So next time you get the 'look' from somebody, remember to give it some thought and ask yourself: Is there something more to it than meets the eye?

Maybe there is :)

The Ring

Tree/Wall/Leaf/Lamp Post,

Donut/Torus/Oval/Halo/Circle/Mobius Strip/Gray/White/Smoke/Wisp,

Ring. The Ring.


I watched them soar through the air, I stared at them while they played ball and I listened to the staccato of characteristic clicking sounds they made... Thinking of it now, the whole thing was quite a spectacle!

The dolphin aquacade :)

Solution Solution

When you see stagnant water you realize that sometimes, the solution is the problem.

Sometimes it's better to leave a problem unresolved. Sometimes it pays off.
