You've come to one of those unexpected twists in your tale; You can see the road ahead bend. Further down the road you can see something; Not too clearly, just a silhouette. But you definitely know there's something there.
At least you'll be prepared to come face to face with it in a while!
A dedication to my trusty camera, which forgets to focus properly sometimes :P
dude......very sorry for the late response...
amazing pic.....i've tried taking a similar pic but my cam which is worse than the ones which come with phones these days failed me :(
jus cos we can see only a lil around the bend, doesnt mean that we need to worry abt its end.... (hey!! that rhymes :D )
No probs, it's great that you could drop by now.
Thanx man :D... haha it rhymes AND it makes sense! nice :)
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