It's colorful face, once caught in a texting race,
Ended up winning after all
It's beautiful, ringing voice, heard over all noise,
Barely let me miss a call.
The color's gone now, I don't know how,
The blue back light is all that remains
Its face has gone the shade of the purest white snow,
This white screen of death causes much pain.
well fellow sufferer, the white screen of death is not an isolated event, i too have beheld it's awe inspiring wrath, my beloved 5610's goooone...*sob*...i am gonna get a replacement, sans scratch, slick n shiny....*evil laugh*
hail WSD!!!
@ scarecrow-
That's sad :'( As for the new phone, nice :D... Hopefully it doesn't have to sport the white screen of death at all :)
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