Monday, May 19, 2008

Gravity Defied?!

Clicked in the nick of time! Whew!. Just as our spherical orange friend was about to hit blue, hard ground. But think about it, could you figure out where Mr. Pong-ball is headed; Left? Right? Straight up? Look at the shadow, it might give you an idea! (Ofcourse I know where it's headed, I saw it in video mode :P). Do take a guess! :)...

PS: The light source is right above the table. This is for those who correctly point out shadow shape depends on the position of the light source :)


ajay said...

Heyy cool pic

Unknown said...

well timed pic

lemme guess......the ball is moving leftwards

Vivek Parthasarathy said...

@ ajay-

Thanks man, I agree :D

@ kaushik-

You're right, it's going left ;)