Perseverance; the only word that comes to my mind when I look at this pic. 12 hour shifts of constant, relentless solar energy coming right at us from a big, hot yellow ball 93 million miles away. Everyday. Now that's definitely perseverance! Oh, stay out in the sun too long and you'll most probably be cooked alive resembling, to a large extent, KFC chicken, complete with crispy skin coat and some hardboiled soft tissue inside ;) This is sunshine hardboil, nature's microwave setting for summer, at its very best!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunshine Hardboil
Perseverance; the only word that comes to my mind when I look at this pic. 12 hour shifts of constant, relentless solar energy coming right at us from a big, hot yellow ball 93 million miles away. Everyday. Now that's definitely perseverance! Oh, stay out in the sun too long and you'll most probably be cooked alive resembling, to a large extent, KFC chicken, complete with crispy skin coat and some hardboiled soft tissue inside ;) This is sunshine hardboil, nature's microwave setting for summer, at its very best!
Gravity Defied?!
Clicked in the nick of time! Whew!. Just as our spherical orange friend was about to hit blue, hard ground. But think about it, could you figure out where Mr. Pong-ball is headed; Left? Right? Straight up? Look at the shadow, it might give you an idea! (Ofcourse I know where it's headed, I saw it in video mode :P). Do take a guess! :)...
PS: The light source is right above the table. This is for those who correctly point out shadow shape depends on the position of the light source :)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
May The Loaf Be With You
Of the many little things I could've noticed around my house, I couldn't help but noticing the crisp, oven-fresh french loaf lying around in the fridge. There it was, in pristine condition beneath its white wrapper, and as I ran my hands over its baker-etched grooves and glazed surface, I saw my camera!. A little voice rang inside my head (My little chef?!?) "If it's too good to be eaten, atleast keep it fresh in your memory!". What better way to do so than by clicking a pic?. (I'd have preferred to keep the actual thing fresh that long, though that would make it too good to be not eaten :P).
So the first pic was taken, and for some reason beyond my understanding, the flash shutter was stuck!... The pic was perfect, bringing out every fine detail of that gorgeous golden loaf. But without flash!, how could that happen? no no, it HAD to be redone!. This led to the second click, after taking the necessary measures to prevent another shutter stuck-er. Picture perfect again, this time with the glow reminescent of flash-illuminated pictures. As I shuttled back and forth between the two, a rather interesting thought passed my mind. Lighting and color differences galore!, one was the light side of the loaf, the other was its dark side!
The 'Dark' Side of the Loaf
I figured this thought of mine could be dismissed as a trick played by a mind saturated with Star Wars, but no!. Looking at the pics a while longer, they seemed analogous to the two sides of the same coin, or rather like the same thing viewed from different perspectives (or more suitably, viewed in a different light ;)). Quite a nice thing to ponder over if you think about it!. Especially with infinite time on your hands. Who knew bread could be this effective when it came to killing time?.
Just for you anxious readers who are thinking "Fine fine, light side, dark side. What happened to the loaf, the bread!?!". Well, unfortunately our loaf isn't loafing around any longer. It was just perfect with the soup we had for dinner. Guess it finally served its purpose served alongside the soup... Bon Appetit!
To wrap it up in typical Star Wars style; In times of hunger and boredom, may the 'loaf' be with you! :).
My 15'' Window To The Web
This is it, the place where all my blog posts come into existence, fresh from thought...quite cozy I must say (its been tidied up a bit for this first post ;)). I spend infinitely long stretches of time on that chair, a perfect perch to gaze into my 'window' of sorts!... Well with my trusty camera at hand, it's time to open this instant imprints start here... Enjoy!.